Once upon a time, the Amalekites waged war against the Israelites. The story is in today’s first reading. Who were the Amalekites? They belonged to a...
Category - Homilies
CLAIM YOUR VICTORY!!! 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON OCTOBER 16TH, 2022 (R. 1: Exodus 17: 8- 13; Psalm 121: 1- 8; R. 2: 2 Timothy 3: 14- 4: 2; Gospel: Luke 18: 1- 8) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
WHERE ARE THE OTHER NINE? 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON OCTOBER 9, 2022 (R. 1: 2 Kings 5: 14-17; Psalm 98: 1- 4; R. 2: 2 Timothy 2: 8-13; Gospel: Luke 17:1 11-19) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Lord! So easy to say, but how often do we say it! And even when we say it, how much of it do we mean? When God decides...
IT SHALL COME TO PASS! 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON OCTOBER 2, 2022 (R. 1: Habakkuk 1: 2- 3; 2: 2- 4; Psalm 95: 1- 2, 6- 7, 8- 9; R. 2: 2 Timothy 1: 6- 8, 13- 14; Gospel: Luke 17: 5- 10) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
Jesus said that if you have faith as little as the size of a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains and uproot trees. Really?If this were a...
BUT HE DID NOTHING! 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2022 (R. 1: Amos 6: 1a, 4- 7; Psalm 146: 7- 10; R. 2: 1 Timothy 6: 11- 16; Gospel: Luke 16: 19- 31) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
My dearly beloved in Christ, how fair is the judgement in today’s parable? The rich man went to hell fire, while Lazarus the poor man went to heaven...
YOU DON’T MEAN IT! 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 (R. 1: Amos 8: 4-7; Psalm 113: 1-2, 4-6, 7-8; R. 2: 1 Timothy 2: 1-8; Gospel: Luke 16: 1-13) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
A Catholic teenage boy took his Muslim friend to Church one Sunday morning. After the Mass, he decided to give his friend a tour of the Church. At...
TOO GOOD TO BE HAPPY! 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 (R. 1: Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14; Psalm 51: 3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; R. 2: 1 Timothy 1: 12-17; Gospel: Luke 15: 1-32) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
The story of the Prodigal Son, which we have in today’s Gospel Passage was once read to some 2nd graders. The teacher then asked, “The story we just...