Today’s Gospel passage reminds me of school Open House days. On such days, the school opens its doors to prospective students and their parents. The staff gives them a tour of the classrooms, and they learn about the various opportunities available at the school, such as courses, scholarships, sporting activities, and stories about the school’s alumni. I was recently at a high school’s open house when the students of an elementary school came to visit. One of them fell so much in love with the school that she turned to her mom and said, “Mom, I really love this school; I just want to stay and start today.” Her mom smiled and said, “Honey, that is not how it works; you need to go back to your elementary school and study hard to be sure you meet all the requirements to gain admission into this school. As you can see, it is very competitive here.

In today’s Gospel passage, Luke presents the story of the transfiguration of Jesus in the presence of Peter, John, and James. I see Jesus as the Principal of a school where the apostles are students. Jesus, as Principal, now takes them on a tour of their prospective institution, which, in this case, is a glimpse of Heaven. Upon seeing the beauty of the place, Peter, like the young girl in my earlier story, said, “I like it here. Let us remain here forever. Master, do not worry about your accommodation. John, James, and I know how to make tents; we will make one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” But, Jesus, in this case, like the mother of the girl in the opening story, said, “Peter, that is not how it works. We must go back to your school and complete all your classes. Make sure you score high marks in your tests and exams to meet the requirements for this place. As you can see, it is very competitive here.”

How did we get here? Today’s Gospel passage began in Luke 9:28. Ten verses earlier, Jesus was praying privately in the presence of his disciples. He asked them what people were saying about his identity. I imagine one of his disciples, using present-day terms, saying, “Based on the posts I have seen on Facebook, most people think you are John the Baptist.” Then another interjected, “Well, I am not on Facebook, but most of the TikTok videos I have been watching suggest that you are Elijah or one of the ancient prophets who has come back to life.” Then Jesus said, “Let’s forget about the gossip on social media; I want your opinion. Who do you say I am?” And you could hear a pin drop.

Peter summoned the courage and spoke on behalf of the team. He said, “You are the Messiah of God.” In Matthew’s version of the story, Jesus was so pleased with Peter that he gave him the thumbs up. He declared Peter the Rock on which Jesus would build his Church. Jesus then went on to explain the implication of his identity, that he must suffer many things at the hands of the elders, such as rejection, crucifixion, and death. Peter was not pleased with Jesus’ explanation of the implication of being a Messiah. So, in Matthew’s version of the story, Peter said, “God forbid! That cannot happen to you!” Jesus then rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind me, Satan. You think in the ways of men and not of God.”

About eight days after Jesus discussed his identity and its implications with his disciples, he took Peter, John, and James with him to the mountain, where they met Moses and Elijah. Jesus probably took Peter with him to show him the glory that would come after Jesus’ suffering and death. Moses and Elijah appeared for several possible reasons. They appeared as representatives of the Old Testament (The Law and the Prophets) to confirm what Jesus was doing in the New Testament. They encouraged Jesus in his exodus or journey to the New Jerusalem. Because the disciples had reported that many people felt Jesus was Elijah or one of the Old Prophets, it was necessary for Elijah to show up so the disciples would see the difference between the Old Prophets and their Lord.

The glory Peter experienced was a glimpse of Heaven. It was so powerful that Peter did not want to descend the mountain. Then, the voice of the Father came from Heaven, instructing Peter to listen to Jesus and follow his steps. In the verses that follow today’s passage, Jesus and the three apostles descended the mountain to meet a boy who was possessed, and the disciples failed in their attempt to deliver him. The boy’s Father called on Jesus to help, and Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and delivered the boy.  

As Christians, sometimes, when we have some glorious religious experience, we think we have graduated from the reality of this world. But that is not how it works. Right after the glory of the transfiguration, Jesus and his three apostles ran into this battle with the evil spirit. Our baptism, first Holy Communion, confirmation, wedding, religious profession, or ordination do not take us away from this life’s battles; they empower us to overcome them.

Yes, glory awaits us, but we must first overcome all challenges on our way. God has given us so many helps in the sacraments, sacramentals, prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and great witnesses. All we need to do is make the best of these channels of grace. As we continue this journey, let us pray that all the stumbling blocks we encounter may become steppingstones leading us from one level of glory to another until we come to our heavenly inheritance through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Homily for 2nd Sunday of Lent Year C 2025

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo

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