THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD YEAR A ON JANUARY 5, 2020 (R. 1: Isaiah 60: 1- 6; Psalm 72: 1- 2, 7- 8, 10- 13; R. 2: Ephesians 3: 2- 3a, 5- 6; Gospel: Matthew 2: 1- 12) FR...
SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YEAR A ON JANUARY 1, 2020 (R. 1: Numbers 6: 22- 27; Psalm 67: 2- 3, 5, 6, 8 R. 2: Galatians 4: 4- 7; Gospel: Luke 2: 16- 21) FR...
HAPPY NEW YEAR The first miracle Jesus worked was at Cana at the request of his Blessed Mother Mary. On this first day of the year (Solemnity of Mary...
LA FIESTA DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE NAZARET (JESÚS, MARÍA Y JOSÉ) AÑO “A” EL 29 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019(R. 1: Sirach 3: 2- 6, 12-14; Salmo 128: 1- 5; R. 2: Colosenses...
THE FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH (JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH) YEAR A ON DECEMBER 29, 2019 (R. 1: Sirach 3: 2- 6, 12- 14; Psalm 128: 1- 5; R. 2: Colossians 3: 12...
FAMILY THANKSGIVING (IMELA) On this last Sunday of the year (Feast of Holy Family), I pray that the coming year may be a year of restoration of lost blessings, and a...
THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD – CHRISTMAS (MASS DURING THE NIGHT) YEAR A ON DECEMBER 24, 2019 (R. 1: Isaiah 9: 1- 6; Psalm 96: 1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13; Titus 2: 11...
4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT YEAR A ON DECEMBER 22, 2019 (R. 1: Isaiah 7: 10- 14; Psalm 24: 1- 2, 3- 4, 5- 6; R. 2: Romans 1: 1- 7; Gospel: Matthew 1: 18- 24) FR EMMANUEL INEDU...
EYIKOJONWA (GOD’S PLAN) “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). Here am I, Fr Emmanuel Inedu Ochigbo with...
3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT YEAR A ON DECEMBER 15, 2019 (R. 1: Isaiah 35: 1- 6a, 10; Psalm 146: 6- 7, 8- 9, 9- 10; R. 2: James 5: 7- 10; Gospel: Matthew 11: 2- 11)...