A young man was drowning in the river. An older man who was passing by, saw him, jumped into the river and rescued him. A few years later, the same young man broke into...
Tivano- Shopping Bot by Dominik Korolczuk for App’n’roll on Dribbble In the event of a data breach or security incident involving the Services, Kaktus will...
JUST DO YOUR PART! 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON NOVEMBER 19TH, 2023 (R. 1: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 ; Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 ; R. 2: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 ) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
Today’s first reading, from The Book of Proverbs, sings the praises of a worthy wife. It concludes by saying, “Give her a reward for her labors, and let her works praise...
THE BRIDEGROOM IS HERE!32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 2023 (R. 1: Wisdom 6: 12- 16; Psalm 63: 2, 3- 4, 5- 6, 7- 8; R. 2: 1 Thessalonians 4: 13- 18; Gospel: Matthew 25: 1- 13) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
When I was in the Minor/High School Seminary, we had some teachers who gave us tests during the revision week before exams. For such teachers, we always waited for the...
OUR MEETING POINT: 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON NOVEMBER 5, 2023 (R. 1: Malachi 1: 14b-2:2b, 8-10; Psalm 131: 1, 2, 3; R. 2: 1 Thessalonians 2: 7b-9, 13; Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
A young man was talking about his family; he said, “I am from a very wealthy family, my ancestors were great warriors. Some of my ancestors founded the biggest companies...
Macaws: Types, Facts, Care Guide, & Pictures If you are short-tempered, it will be challenging to maintain the pet area in good condition. Hitting your macaw can...
IT BOILS DOWN TO LOVE: 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON OCTOBER 29TH, 2023 (R. 1: Exodus 22:20-26; Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51; R. 2: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
One Sunday morning, Steve and his wife were driving home after Mass. Just a quarter of a mile away from the Church, his wife began the conversation, “Honey, did you...
YOUR CYRUS IS ON THE WAY! 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON OCTOBER 22ND, 2023 (R. 1:Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; Psalm 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10; R. 2: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
Have you heard the story of the prayerful elderly lady, who lived next to a young man, an atheist? The elderly lady would pray every day and pray out loud. Her next-door...
10 Best AI Chatbot SaaS Tools You Need To Know In 2023 TGI Fridays use a restaurant bot to serve a variety of customer needs. These include placing an order, finding the...
SAVE THE DATE: 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ON OCTOBER 15TH, 2023 (R. 1: Isaiah 25:6-10a; Psalm 23:1-6; R. 2: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO
Those invited to the wedding feast refused to show up; they refused to attend the wedding feast. But what was wrong with their refusal to attend? Were they not free to...