2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER (DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY) YEAR A, APRIL 19, 2020 (R. 1: Acts 2: 42-47; Psalm 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24; R. 2: 1 Peter 1: 3-9; Gospel: John 20: 19-31) FR...
Mass of Easter Sunday Year A 2020 at Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach First Reading Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm: Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Response: This is...
EASTER SUNDAY YEAR A 2020 (R. 1: Acts 10: 34a, 37- 43; Psalm 118: 1- 2, 16-17, 22- 23; R. 2: Colossians 3: 1-4; Gospel: John 20: 1- 11) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO...
GOOD FRIDAY HOMILY AT OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SAN YSIDRO 2020 FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO WERE YOU THERE? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when...
Mass of Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion at Sacred Heart Ocean Beach At the procession with palms: Matthew 21:1-11 At the Mass First Reading: Isaiah 50: 4-7...
PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD YEAR A 2020 (Matthew 21: 1- 11; R. 1: Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 21:8- 9, 17- 20, 23- 24; R. 2: Philippians 2: 6- 11; Gospel:...
MASS OF THE 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A 2020 LAZARUS, COME OUT! First Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130:1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8 (R. With the Lord there is...
5TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A 2020 (R. 1: Ezekiel 37: 12- 14; Psalm 130: 1- 8; R. 2: Romans 8: 8- 11; Gospel: John 11: 1- 45) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO LAZARUS, COME...
Fourth Sunday (Laetare Sunday) of Lent March 22 2020 First Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7,10-13a Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1-3a 3b-4, 5, 6. R. The Lord is my shepherd;...
4TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A ON MARCH 22, 2020 (R. 1: 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6- 7, 10- 13a; Psalm 23: 1- 6; R. 2: Ephesians 5: 8- 14; Gospel: John 9: 1- 41) FR EMMANUEL INEDU...