PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD YEAR A 2020 (Matthew 21: 1- 11; R. 1: Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 21:8- 9, 17- 20, 23- 24; R. 2: Philippians 2: 6- 11; Gospel:...
MASS OF THE 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A 2020 LAZARUS, COME OUT! First Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130:1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8 (R. With the Lord there is...
5TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A 2020 (R. 1: Ezekiel 37: 12- 14; Psalm 130: 1- 8; R. 2: Romans 8: 8- 11; Gospel: John 11: 1- 45) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO LAZARUS, COME...
Fourth Sunday (Laetare Sunday) of Lent March 22 2020 First Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7,10-13a Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1-3a 3b-4, 5, 6. R. The Lord is my shepherd;...
4TH SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A ON MARCH 22, 2020 (R. 1: 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6- 7, 10- 13a; Psalm 23: 1- 6; R. 2: Ephesians 5: 8- 14; Gospel: John 9: 1- 41) FR EMMANUEL INEDU...
3RD SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A ON MARCH 15, 2020 (R. 1: Exodus 17: 3- 7; Psalm 95: 1- 2, 6- 9; R. 2: Romans 5: 1- 2, 5- 8; Gospel: John 4: 5- 42) FR EMMANUEL INEDU OCHIGBO...
HOMILIA PARA EL VIERNES DE LA II SEMANA DE CUARESMA 13 DE MARZO DE 2020 (Primera lectura: Gn 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28; Salmo Responsorial:Salmo 104, 16-17. 18-19. 20-21;...
2ND SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A 2020 (R. 1: Genesis 12: 1- 4a; Psalm 33: 4- 5, 18- 20, 22; R. 2: 2Timothy 1: 8b- 10; Gospel: Matthew 17: 1- 10)...
1ST SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A ON MARCH 1ST, 2020 (R. 1: Genesis 2: 7- 9, 16- 18, 25; 3: 1- 7; Psalm 51: 3- 6, 12- 13, 17; R. 2: Romans 5: 12- 19; Gospel: Matthew 4: 1- 11)...
ASH WEDNESDAY ON FEBRUARY 26, 2020 YEAR A (R1: Joel 2:12 – 18; Ps. 51: 3 – 6B, 12 – 14, 17; R2: 2Corinthians 5: 20- 6: 2; Gospel. Matt. 6: 1- 6, 16- 18) FR EMMANUEL...